The Big Bear Airport Pilots Association is a non-profit organization whose purpose is to:
Activities of the Association include a membership dinner meetings on the second Tuesday of the month from May thru October.
We host hangar party / barbecues during the summer.
Participation in Community Events Like the Fawnskin Doo-Dah Parade
Annual Aid Station Host for the Tour de Big Bear
If you would like to find out more about the Association, come to one of our monthly meetings.
Our Website includes articles on recent events and the activities calendar for the upcoming month.
If you are not yet a member and would like join the BBAPA, please go to our Membership Page on this Website.
Participation in Community Events Like the Fawnskin Doo-Dah Parade
In early 2002, airport manager Dick Lightner, airport board member Bill Jones, and pilot Ken Dally were talking in the airport office when Ken suggested that the pilots of the airport needed a way to participate in and have input with airport staff and the Board regarding the operation and activities of the airport. Dick and Bill suggested the pilots form some sort of organization to give them such an opportunity.
Ken called a meeting of all interested pilots and thus was formed the Big Bear Airport Pilots Association. The first Board of Directors were: Ken Dally - President, Roger Schmidt – Vice President, Garry Dokter – Treasurer, Mary Jo Jahn – Secretary, Dick Dedge – Sergeant at Arms (we wouldn’t allow him to carry a gun), Jim Rose and Bob McNutt – Directors at Large. At our first meeting we had 35 people in attendance and we formed the following committees: Social – Dick Dedge and Jim Rose, Program – Garry Dokter, Newsletter – Mary Jo Jahn, Publicity – Darrell Mulvihill, Safety and Noise – Bill Jones and Ryan Ross, and Young Eagles – Ken Dally.
At first we were posturing for position and defining the role and purpose of the Association. The airport and Board were very receptive to the Association but some of the members thought the group should be more adversarial. We quickly determined that we wanted to work with the staff and Board and not against them and thus was formed the Statement of Purpose for the Association that is still published in each newsletter and has served us well for over 10 years.
It didn’t take long to determine that we were a social group and we immediately started breakfast fly-outs, a flight to Baja, interesting monthly meeting programs, and, of course, hangar parties. There were 50 people in attendance at our first party on May 11, 2002 and, as today, there was great food, drink, and fellowship. The highlight was a drag race of golf carts between Roger Schmidt and the late, great, Jim Rose. JR won both heats.
The first Young Eagle flights were held on May 25th, 2002. Pilots were Garry Dokter, Roger Schmidt, Ken Dally, Bill Jahn, Jim Rose and Peter Murray.
The Association has served both the airport and pilots well for the past 20 years. There have been a lot of changes at the airport, Board, and membership but the purpose and success of the Association remain strong and viable today as in the beginning. Fuel prices are higher, there are more restrictions to flight, equipment has advanced, and it is a struggle to get young people involved in flying. But the Association is alive and well serving the wants and needs of the airport and pilots.