On Mar 4, 2025, at 6:28 PM, Bob Hartunian <bobh5@earthlink.net> wrote:
Two FAA reps from Riverside came to my hangar today for the first look at the Pulsar to evaluate it’s airworthy condition and build history.
I felt good about how it went and had a good personal relationship. They found about 4 minor issues that I will correct.
The FAA will do paperwork to award the Special Airworthy Certificate and the Letter of Operation that controls where I can do the 40 hr test flights.
One rep, Christina Wall, will send me a list of corrections which I will address and show them done. And we will get the plane approved toether.
All in all, I am happy that this milestone has been successfully accomplished.
Bob H
Big Bear Valley now has its very own Tibetan Style Buddhist Monastery which follows the Dali Lama’s teachings for world peace. Located in Baldwin Lake, the acres of ornately decorated property and buildings are worth a look.
On Saturday March 1st, six members of the BBAPA joined a ceremony celebrating the Buddhist Lunar New Year and the monastery’s newest addition, a big and shiny white Tibetan style stupa brought across the ocean by boat.
A brightly garbed Vietnamese monk led an hour long ceremony to pray for world peace, honor the new year and bless the stupa. There was much drumming of native instruments, chanting, and prayerful walking around the flower adorned structure. The ceremony and participants were even filmed for Vietnamese television!
After the ceremony we were served many courses of delicious vegetarian Vietnamese food - soup, noodles, beans, sticky rice, vegetables, palm wrapped sweet potato, spring rolls and yogurt.
It was a beautiful and welcoming cultural experience as you’ll see by the attached photos.
Lisa Good
Facebook Page:
For those of you who missed out on our Mitsubishi tour last year, we are planning on having the tour again in May.
I am working with Mitsubishi to get a couple of dates. It will not be a weekend so if you’re interested, let me know what day of the week is best for you.
If you went and would like to go again, you are welcome to do that.
Please RSVP with Estelle Hooker if you have questions or might like to attend:
We enlisted Estelle Hooker to come up with ideas for trips locally which might appeal to our members. We have several that are being considered;
If you have a suggestion, contact Estelle at <Estelle.hooker@icloud.com>
The membership had the opportunity to vote for a Board of Directors back in September and from that Board, individual positions were assigned in January;
President- Jack Williams
Treasurer- Garry Dokter
Secretary- Bob Hartunian
Membership- Don Shade
Events Coordinator- Lisa Good
Members at Large- Steve Hirshler, Steve Baker
On Feb 20, we had a lunch trip to Pioneertown (Ptown) that 6 members attended.
Ptown was a movie set created by Gene Autry and Roy Rogers back in the 1940’sfor a permanent site to shoot western movies for TV and theaters. It is located north of Yucca Valley and takes about a 90 min drive from Big Bear.
The large restaurant is named "Pappy’s and Harriet’s” and has good cowboy food you eat surrounded by all kinds of old signs, pictures and memorabelia from the old days.The buildings that remain now hold stores that sell art pieces, western clothing and souveniers.
And this brings up a true story-Just before the lunch trip, I was at a family dinner and my son-in-law, Steve Tunstall, told me that his dad, Joe Tunstall, lived in Ptown as a kid of 9 yrs old with his sister during the time of movie activities.They hung around the actors and animals on the sets and were befriended by Roy and Gene. During the shoots, there was a caterer who supplied tables of food for the movie folks to eat during the day.One day, Gene Autry saw young Joe and sister and asked whether they would like to eat and sent them to the tables. But the caterer would not serve them anything as they were just kids.
When Gene Autry heard about this, he took each child by the hand, walked to the tables and told that caterer when he sends someone to be fed, By God, they will be fed, no matter the age.
From then on, Joe received plates of foodanytime he wanted. It pays to have influential friends.
Kevin Wayt
Sat, Feb 22, 12:01 PM
to donshade, Bob
Great story about Pioneer Town!
Kevin Wayt
We have been asked if the BBAPA could provide pilots and members to conduct a class for local Boy Scouts to obtain an Aviation Merit Badge.
The Scouts have a list of subject requirements thatwe can address in a day’s activities, much as we did for the YAA years ago. There are additional tasks the Scouts need to do on their own to acquire the Badge.
Steve Baker is coordinating with the Scouts to decide whether we should do the class.
Kam Marie
Sat, Feb 8, 1:20 PM
Great ideas! Would love to help!
Bob Hartunian
Fri, Feb 7, 9:21 AM
Steve Baker brought up the idea of our Pilot Assn putting on a Boy Scout Aviation Merit Badge class next summer.
In order for the Scouts to qualify, there are many requirements besides an introduction to aviation as listed in the
We could provide part of the requirements but the Scouts would have to do more on their own like build a model plane and fly it.
And would anyone participating have to go thru a background check? Probably.
I think we should start off by having a meeting with the Scout Leader and some of our Assn members to determine whether the local Scouts are truly interested in doing this program
and what our responsibilities would be. Steve Baker can arrange the meeting.
When we did the similar YAA program a few years ago, I think the kids just had to attend our one-day class to receive their badge. I ended up doing a riveting class with a group of kids rotating every 20-30 min.
And we had various stations setup to cover the required information topics. Shade served hot dog lunch to around 250 kids and parents. Was a good program.
Perhaps the Girl Scouts would like a similar program?
Robin Harrison
Sat, Feb 22, 1:59 PM (1 day ago)
As an Eagle Scout, brotherhood member of the Order of the Arrow, and retired university lecturer, I know I shouldn’t volunteer for anything, but I could do one lesson on the physics of flight for the boy scouts. Or maybe they would like hearing about what it is like to be a professional stunt pilot. Anyhow, I could speak on a variety of subjects, but my time is limited, so I wouldn’t be able to undertake a long- term assignment.