BBAPA Board Meeting, 12/4/23
A BBAPA Board meeting was held on 12/4/2023 with Williams, Schmidt, Baker, Good, Dokter and Hartunian in attendance.
1. Cessna 210 Accident-
A Cessna 210 crashed on takeoff on 12/2/23 because of a turbine engine failure at 75’ AGL. The plane returned to the runway and passed thru the fence on Division St
and crossed the road, ending up inverted. Pilot had minor injuries and plane was totalled.
2. Christmas Dinner-
We have 58 people signed up for the dinner on Dec 14 at the Elks.
Secretary Hartunian will call in the numbers to the Elk’s Cookshack leader on Wed, Dec 6.
Food choices are beef or chicken.
Lisa Good will find gifts for attendees to win in lottery draw.
3. Fly-Out Trips-
Lisa Good and Jack Williams have generated a list of day flights and overnight flights for the membership to review as a start to energize more flying activity.
Hartunian will send out the list to all members. Lisa Good will schedule a meeting in January/February for members to discuss the choices and get commitments to fly.
A couple of recommendations were made for music events in Jerome and Laughlin which will be added to the main list.
Also, the Wednesday breakfast flights will be expanded to add a few Saturday flights.
4. Assn Speakers-
The scope of our Speakers will be expanded to include non-aviation speakers like DWP and other municipal agencies and the Discovery Center.
5.Medivac Relocation-
Ryan Goss, the Airport Manager, indicated that the Medivac group will be relocated by the Gate 8A hangar. Concern was that tenants entering the Gate need to give wide clearance of the helicopter parked in front of the hangar facing east/west when active.
And the Terminal project is getting close to moving employees into the temporary housing prior to building teardown.
Respectfully Submitted,
Bob Hartunian, Secretary
The BBAPA newly ratified Board had its meeting on 1/25/23. In attendance were Jack Williams, Roger Schmidt, Garry Dokter, Lisa Good, Steve Baker, Bob Hartunian and Ryan Goss representing the Airport Management.
1. Officer Elections-
The Board members were voted back in by email. Don Shade sent out a voting questionnaire and all of the existing members were ratified to serve on the Board for another two years per the Assn by-laws.
Garry Dokter was appointed as Vice President to fill an existing vacancy. All other positions remained the same;
Jack Williams- President
Garry Dokter- Vice President
Bob Hartunian- Secretary
Roger Schmidt- Treasurer
Don Shade- Membership and Communications
Lisa Good and Steve Baker- Events Coordinators
2. Christmas Dinner Review-
The Elks Lodge catered the dinner on 12/15/22; food quality was good but the service was disorganized and could be improved. Bob Hartunian will coordinate the event with the Elks for the next dinner and improve their responses.
Members will be asked to pay the full price for the dinner and eliminate the Assn contribution because we had 23 no-shows and we had to pay for their reservations.The facility was good and the bar was available and worked well.
3. Airport Terminal Status-
Ryan Goss gave an overview of the Terminal replacement progress. Required permits for the teardown of the Terminal are in process. The COVID situation slowed down the County process but it is proceeding.
The temporary buildings are finished and State Certified permits are completed to allow occupancy. There is a buyer in Temecula for the buildings when we are finished with their use in a year or so.
Six electric vehicle chargers will be installed with the new Terminal and two- 20,000 gal water storage tanks will be installed to catch precipitation runoff for plant watering.
4.Tour de Big Bear Event-
The Tour is scheduled for 2023 with around 2000 participants expected and limited by the available logistics in Big Bear for restaurants and hotels.
The Tour will hire an official organizer to run the Tour as it has become more involved than local individuals can manage part-time.
5. No Air Fair for 2023-
With all the airport Terminal construction activity going on now, the staff cannot manage the additional Air Fair responsibilities. Possibly in 2024.
6. Assn Dues-
The membership dues of $35 will remain the same and will be collected in the Spring. We have not collected dues since 2019 and our treasury is low.
Bob Hartunian will start the process for finding speakers for our 4 summer dinner meetings. We may have a retired U2 pilot as first speaker in June.
8. Flyout Trips-
Lisa Good will survey our membership for destinations for possible flyouts like Columbia, Oceano, Kernville. She will encourage members to participate and draw interest.
Respectfully submitted,
Bob Hartunian, Secretary
Meeting attendees- Williams, Shade, Schmidt, Dokter, Good (remote), Krause, Hartunian. And Airport Manager Ryan Goss.
1. Kernville Trip-
The Kernville trip is on for Oct 7-9 with at least 11 folks indicating they will attend. Garry Dokter will drive his trailer to reserve the parking spot with electrical power and will help coordinate activities.
2. Halloween in Village-
Lisa Good will be the focal point for the event which will just have the spinning wheel and no games.
3. Christmas Dinner-
Board chose to have the dinner if we can make arrangements. The Airport will have a lunch on either Dec 9 or 16. We can do ours on Thursday, Dec 15 midwwek.
Bob H will contact the Elks to see if they can seat and cater our group and determine cost.
4. Airport Closure-
After the recent fire incident, the airport was closed to civilian traffic to avoid conflicts with firefighting planes. Ryan Goss gave the rationale for the closure and discuused the possibility of allowing local pilots familiar with the airport and procedures to fly for medical purposes like delivering medicines for the hospital. He also pointed out that some medicines require special permits which our Assn piots don’t have. And that as Airport Manager, he can authorize special flights for emergency purposes.
5. Board Elections-
Jack Williams indicated that the membership should vote for Board members every two years. The Board members then decide who will fill positions like President, Secretary, Finances, etc.
All the present Board members said they would stay as candidates for the vote.
6.- Young Eagle Flights-
The High School students enrolled in the Aviation class could be candidates for flights under the EAA Young Eagles program. This would reduce the group size and eliminate all the repeat kids we had in the past
that discouraged pilots from volunteering to fly. Garry D will coordinate with the school Aviation teachers.
7. Fuseloge TV System-
Don Shade setup a large tv in the building to allow members to watch football games and for speaker visual aids. Cost was $500 and hookup fee is $600/yr which the Assn will cover.
8. Membership Email list-
Don Shade will send the membership list to all Board members. It includes email contact addresses.
9. Treasurer’s Report-
Roger Schmidt reported that we have $5427 in checking account and reserve of $2616 in savings acct.
Meeting adjourned at 10:40am.
Bob Hartunian, Secretary.
1. Young Eagles Program
The limiting factor with our regular Young Eagles program is the lack of volunteer pilots, probably triggered by the COVID situation. Only had 4 pilots volunteer by survey of membership and 4 more as maybies. Appears insufficient to conduct YE program. Big Bear pilots wishing to participate in YE can fly with Apple Valley Chapter 768.
The High School has an AOPA STEM program teaching interested students about aviation subjects and it may be possible to fly these students as part of an EAA Eagles program where people from 18 and older get rides as an introduction to aviation.
Roger will contact EAA YE officials and determine whether we can fly STEM students under the Eagles program.
2. BBAPA Monthly Dinner Meetings Start in June 2022 and NO Dues for this year
Our treasury has sufficient funds remaining where we don’t have to collect dues this year. Money is primarily for funding the summer monthly dinners.
A discussion about COVID actions during dinners resulted in leaving the choice up to individual members to wear a mask or not and follow COVID rules in effect as the dinners start.
We will start dinners in June thru Sept when weather is comfortable.
3. Fuselodge Building
The present lease agreement expires this year and Ryan Goss indicated we will make a new agreement this Spring. Shade indicated that the building’s condition is good and just needs cleaning.
4. Board Member Positions
We are supposed to have the Assn membership vote on Board members every two years. The general membership can submit candidate names for Board membership, then the membership votes and the top seven candidates become members and they chose positions like Secretary, Treasurer, etc. We can send out a request for candidates thru the website with an email reminder in the Fall of 2022, followed by membership voting.
5. Tour de Big Bear Bike Ride
The bike ride is on the first Saturday on Aug 6 and our Board decided to support with our normal station on Onyx Summit.
6. Halloween in Village
The Assn will support the event with a reduced presence of the spinning wheel but no games. This worked well last year.
7. General News
The BBL will sponsor 3 separate fireworks events on Memorial Day, 4th of July and Labor Day.
The airport management has acquired 10 modular buildings to be used for the staff while the new Terminal is being completed. They may be sold off afterward.
The airport is in the process of designing a new Snow Removal Equipment building funded by the FAA to store the expensive machinery for snow plowing.
Respectfully Submitted,
Bob Hartunian, Secretary
Attendees- Jack Williams, Don Shade, Roger Schmidt, Wes Krause, Bob Hartunian
1. Board Vacancies
Shade to send out a note to all members requesting candidates for filling vacant positions on the board. Currently we have 5 board members and the By-Laws call for 7. (Bob D moved away and resigned his Board position as did Jolan Valo). Voting will be done via Email to the membership.
2. Halloween in the Village
Will be held this Fall and we will participate as usual and solicit member volunteers. Sign up to assist on our website.
3. Finance Report
Roger Schmidt, Treasurer, reported that we have $5400 in account. Our June dinner expenses were $545 for food and drinks. Assuming our dinner expenses at $500 each, we should be able to cover those costs with available funds and have sufficient monies to support a Christmas dinner ar $15 per person on Thursday, Dec 16th, 5PM at Santana Mavericks in BIg Bear Lake.
4. Membership
Currently, we have 250 members. A membership includes the member and spouse.
5. By-Law Revisions
The By Laws have not been changed since the start of the Assn 20 yrs ago.
Shade and Williams will work together to revise and simplify our rules of operation.
The new BYLAWS will be posted on the Assn website for member review and approval.
Topics for revision include:
6. FuseLODGE
Building agreement needs renewal. Improvements made to building will be reported to Airport Management by Williams and a request will be made for a 6 year lease agreement.
Respectfully Submitted,
Bob Hartunian, Secretary
To All Big Bear Airport Pilot Association members; We are coming out of the COVID situation of last year with our first dinner meeting on June 8.
The Assn Board wants you to know about our dues policy. The last dues were collected in 2019 before the COVID shutdown. Our normal dues collection happens in the Spring of each year and the monies received are used for the dinner activities of that year.
As the COVID threat expanded into the beginning of 2020, all of our Assn activities stopped so we postponed any dues collections for 2020. Whatever funds we had accumulated were shifted to 2021 and we should have enough in the account to get us thru 2021 activities. Roger Schmidt has done a great job of managing our funds.
The next dues request will be in the Spring of 2022. At $35 per couple for dinner meetings, Hangar parties, and Christmas party, it is the best bargain in Big Bear.
Bob Hartunian Secretary