Our 4th event is this Sunday, October 16th - Cowboys vs. Eagles.
Doors will again open at 4PM with the game starting at 5:20 PM.
Cowboys vs. Eagles promises to be a good game!
Hot Dogs, Nachos, Beer, Wine, Soda, Water and Open Bar will again be provided.
The BBAPA Board approved purchase of the TV and Monthly Internet Fees so the monetary donations a few of you made were also very much appreciated. Join in on our half time score football pool.... 4 squares for $1 making the winner's pot = $25
If you have suggestions on how to improve, add to or modify the event, please let me know. Suggestions already made were to raise the height of the TV, which has been completed, add a poker table at half-time for those interested in playing cards, and a couple suggestions to host a movie viewing night at the FuseLODGE which is in the planning stage.... Top Gun Maverick is on the agenda!
Hope to see you tonight !(Sunday)
- Don Shade
Big Picture, Big Sound, and Big Hot Dogs in a Big Hangar for a Big Game!
My research on how to get high speed Wifi and subscription TV into the FuseLODGE is complete.
Yesterday I installed Unlimited T-Mobile 5G internet. It's very fast and inexpensive in comparison to other options.
Last week the BBAPA Board approved the purchase of a big screen HD TV for the FuseLODGE and today I was able to find a nice 70" model at Best Buy for $509.
This afternoon I set up and tested the 70" TV with my FireStick attached and connected the audio to a Home Theatre Sound System. With my subscription to FireTV we now have full HDTV for Football Game Viewing and unlimited high speed Wi-Fi in the FuseLODGE.
Hot Dogs (Costco, Grill your Own), Nacho Chips and the Bar will be open including beer, sodas and water.
Doors to the Big Hangar will be open at 4PM.
This is a first time event that I hope will continue on at least a weekly basis.
Please come and check it out.
FuseLODGE Sunday Night Football Setup in Case Shade is not here:
Unlock combination FuseLODGE Door and Pedestrian Gate #7A
Turn on main water valve outside NW corner of the building (counterclockwise)
Turn on Water Heater in Bathroom
Check Freezers (If they are not working - reset breakers in near bathroom)
FYI - Once the room lights are on, they take a while to get to full brightness: however, if you turn them off, they won’t turn on again until they cool down….about 20 minutes. So don’t turn them off until you are leaving the door and locking up.
Remove ice bin from freezer
Use Ice Pick (located in rolling tool box) to break into pieces
Place Ice gently on Beer/Soda and Water Coolers
(Ice is sharp and will punch hopes on cans)
Replace empty bin in freezer and fill using 5 Gallon Water Bottle by the sink.
Paper towels (if needed) are in a bin below the Nacho table.
Turn gas on at the tank and the grill burners - Left = On - Right = Off
Light BBQ Grill with lighter on side tray
Extra Propane Tanks Outside - Key to Lock is hanging on wall in storage room
Hot Dogs and Buns and condiments are in refrigerator
Use aluminum pan filled with water to pre heat hot dogs
Dice 2 onions for hot dogs
Turn on crock pot array
Nacho Cheese in one, Chili in one, Salsa in one
Cheese and Chili is on the shelf in the storage room.
Set out chips in large plastic bin
Set out hot sauces (in refrigerator)
Turn on TV using primary remote
Turn on Home Theater Audio - Set to TV
Set TV to “YouTube TV” - Select “LIVE” and then choose NBC Channel
Control TV Volume with TV Remote
Control Home Theater Volume with Home Theater Remote
Closing Up
Turn off BBQ Grill Propane Tank and Burners
Put all dishes to be washed at the sink.
Drain Ice Chests
Return unused crock pot condiments to containers and store in the refrigerator.
Turn OFF Water Heater in Bathroom
Turn OFF main water valve outside NW corner of the building (clockwise)
LOCK the Ped Gate