In accordance with the Bylaws of the Big Bear Airport Pilots Association, the election of
Board members shall be conducted every two years on an even-numbered year. The
newly elected Board shall assume responsibility from the existing Board on January 1st
of the following odd-numbered year. The term for members of the Board of Directors
shall be for a period of two years.
As per the February 10, 2022, email from Don Shade to the Membership: “Board
Member Elections will be held this year. Looking for interested volunteers!”
Six of the existing seven Directors have indicated a willingness to continue serving at
the pleasure of the membership, a task which includes responsibility managing our 501
(c) (3) Nonprofit organization.
Director Wes Kraus is retiring from the Board at the end of this term and we thank him
for his wise counsel and service. Mr. Steve Baker has volunteered to be a candidate for
the Board.
Therefore, elected candidates for the Pilots Association’s Board of Directors for the
January 1, 2023, to December 31, 2024, term are: